Privacy Policy

Protection of Privacy

Information note pursuant the protection of personal data (Legislative European Regulation (UE) 2016/679 and European Council of 27/4/2016 and Directive (UE) 2016/680.)

The Gagea srl (hereinafter also “Grand Hotel del Mare Resort & Spa” or, for brevity, the “Hotel”), intends to provide the necessary information as regards the purposes and procedures for the treatment of personal data of users/visitors (hereinafter also identified as “You”. The term “You/Your data” refers to the data regarding users/visitors), as well as the area of communication and disclosure of the same.
Users/visitors must read this Privacy Policy carefully before transmitting personal information of any kind and/or filling in any electronic form on the site itself.
It is not necessary to provide any personal data in order to visit the site: By using this site You expressly accept the content of this Privacy Policy.
The information refers exclusively to the site and not to any other websites consulted by the user using links.


The user recognizes and accepts that Grand Hotel Del Mare Resort & Spa, its collaborators or suppliers are not responsible:

  • for damage caused by the negligence of its collaborators, sub-contractors or suppliers, or for damage deriving in any way from this site, including loss of earnings and other losses, consequential damage or any partial or total, direct or indirect damage;
  • for problems in the use of the materials or of the services in this site caused by the user’s computer or equipment.

When You access another website, remember that it is independent from this site and that the latter has no control whatsoever over the content of the site in question. Furthermore, the existence of a hypertext link to another site does not entail the acceptance or approval by the Hotel of responsibility, even partial or indirect, of the content or utilization of the site.

1.The information we collect, how we use it and who we disclose it to

The Hotel will use and store the personal information required for identifying You that includes, among other things, Your name, delivery and billing address, e-mail, telephone number and any other information collected at the moment of registration on this site; or at the moment of transmission of a purchase order; or also through opinion polls regarding the service.

Your data are collected for the following purposes:
1) Operations regarding the supply of services requested by You, including requests for information regarding bookings that have not yet been finalized (e.g. requests for estimates for stays at the Grand Hotel del Mare), as well as the necessary activities associated with the provision of the services requested by You (e.g. executing payment orders, management and administration of Your account, etc.);
2) Activities associated with legal, tax or accounting obligations and the like;
3) Activities linked to specific official requests from the forces of law and order or local institutions;
4) Market surveys, the transmission of newsletters, e-mails promoting our products and the supply and personalization of products and services.
It should be specified that providing Your authorization for the use of the data for the purposes referred to above is optional; nevertheless, if the event of Your refusal to provide it the Grand Hotel Del Mare might be unable to supply the services requested by You.
You can enforce the right referred to in paragraph 3 of this Privacy Policy at any moment.
Your data may be treated by means of electronic equipment or using other procedures deemed pertinent by the Hotel. In any case, the Grand Hotel Del Mare guarantees compliance with the security measures laid down in the regulations in force and undertakes to use the data in compliance with the declared purposes and to store the data themselves for the time necessary for achieving the aforesaid purposes.
In addition to the information requested for the purposes referred to above, by means of navigator the purposes referred to above, by means of navigation of the site, the Hotel also gathers further information and statistics for the purpose of monitoring and optimizing the use of the site itself. The Hotel may occasionally provide the aggregated datum regarding visits to third parties. In no case do these statistics include information that would make it possible to identify You.
We may ask You occasionally to provide Your opinion on the site or on any other service or product, provided by us or by third parties, which could be of interest to You.
In the event of cessation of use of the site, or of permission to use the site, we could continue to use Your personal information or provide it to third parties, within the terms of the law and in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy which could undergo variations at the Hotel’s discretion: in such cases, the Hotel will amend this note and make the latest version of the same available on the website. It is the Your responsibility to check the contents of the Privacy Policy every time You provide us with information or send an order. The use of the services constitutes implicit acceptance of such amendments.
If the reasons for collecting information change, we will contact You to ask for Your authorization if these notices refer to new reasons for collecting data.

2.The Data Controller and how the data are stored

The Data Controller is the Gagea srl – legal representative. The Hotel will use the collected data in compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force governing the Protection of Privacy.

The storage of the data will take place for five years using systems belonging to the Controller.

3.Your rights

We hereby inform You that You have the rights referred  to request confirmation regarding the existence or otherwise of personal data of Yours, request their correction or, if You wish, the updating or integration of the data.
Furthermore, should You deem it appropriate, You have the right to request the deletion of the same or its transformation into an anonymous form, or object to the processing of the same for legitimate reasons.and also  For the exercise of your rights provided by article 15-16-17-18-20 of European Regulation (UE) 216/679 and European Council of 27/04/2016 and Directive (UE) 2016/680..      
You can contact the GAgea Srl in order to exercise these rights: tel.0039 0184262201 , fax 0039 0184262394 , email:
Please attach Your name and address, and clearly state the information with regard to which You wish to enforce Your rights, in order to allow us find the same more easily. Before providing any personal data in its possession, the Hotel will check Your identity and the congruity of the same using procedures it deems appropriate.

4.Use of Your personal information on other sites

As stated in the “Disclaimer” section above, the Hotel is not responsible for the privacy management policies implemented by other sites, even if these have been accessed through links on the Hotel’s own website.
If necessary we suggest that You check the regulations on every site visited and contact the associated service.

5.Security of the information: use if the internet and of cookies

The internet is not a secure means. We have implemented safety procedures for this reason. All the details sent by You, including those relating to credit cards, pass from Your internet browser (e.g.: Internet Explorer, Firefox) to a secure server (SSL). [Serverbase] uses safe encryption systems (SSL).
We would like to inform You that communications transmitted over the internet, such as e-mails, are only secure when encrypted.
All the Hotel employees and staff who have access to Your personal data are bound by the secrecy obligation.
We shall not provide Your data to government institutions or legal authorities except in the case of official requests from the forces of law and order or local institutions.
Cookies consist of information transferred from Your hard disk to any site. They allow the Hotel to store information regarding Your browsing paths and to make the site more useful and simplify it. Nowadays, all the sites use cookies and browsers are generally set to accept them automatically. Every time You use the hotel site, the cookie is activated in order to remember what parts of the site You use and improve Your site experience.
It is the password which, if You wish, allows You to access the site directly without entering the user name and password.
You can, however, disable the cookies (disabling the cookies must be carried out by You personally by means of access to the settings of the browser You use) but if You do so some parts of the site will not work.