
Gran Galà Summer Night 24
15.08.2024 – 9.00 PM
Ferragosto - Happy 60

Ferragosto is a celebration of popular origin celebrated every year on 15 August in Italy.

The party first fell on August 1st, then the Catholic Church moved it, to make it coincide with the liturgical day of the Assumption of Mary.

The term “Ferragosto” comes from the Latin word “feriae Augusti (Augusto’s rest) indicating a festivity set up by Emperor Augusto in 18 A.C.

The old Ferragosto, in addition to the obvious purpose of political self-promotion, was to connect the main agostane festivals to provide an adequate rest period, also said Augustali.

During the festivities, horse races and shooting animals, oxen, donkeys and mules were organized throughout the empire and were dispensed of work.

The cost of the evening is €90.00 per person, drinks not included.
Children from 0 to 2 years free. Children aged 3 to 11 €55.00.
Access to the Ferragosto Galà is allowed by purchasing the voucher.


+39 (0)184 262202 ext. 600 | ghm@ghmresort.com